Art is dead…………

Posted in general chat on May 19, 2009 by laurenceotoole

Art is dead………… I should have been a carpenter, at least my father would have been happy.

Only joking.

Art is alive and well, sales are struggling but we are maybe in a meaner keener place, as artists. Bad art is dying, thank God, that Tubberware shit. You would sometimes see it in galleries or in art fairs or even in news papers and think ” sweet jesus on a popsicle stick” is Joe Public not a little more discerning than this.

But they were not, the boom was on and the the mob ruled. There was nearly a panic buy to get your hands on any art, our nouveau riche were buying for the sake of it and because they could.

This brought a lot of bad art into the market and a lot of chancers too.

It also made the career artist a tiny bit complacent, knowing that what ever you release from your studio will sell has only one effect on a painter and that is it will take the edge and your critical eye off you.

But for me , this is maybe a welcome clean up. Of my own work and thoughts and the whole market.

You may or may not agree with me but hey………… this is what an open forum is all about.


Welcome to the Carlow Kilkenny Arts Blog!

Posted in general chat with tags , on May 18, 2009 by webdesignkilkenny

Please join us with your thoughts on the Carlow Kilenny Arts scene and beyond!